Many consumers will wait until the end of the year to shop for large ticket items like a new car because this is usually when dealers are clearing out the previous year’s inventory at discount prices to make way for the new merchandise. Before you go running to buy new carpet, make sure you ask yourself if an expertly done deep clean is all you really need? Right after the holiday season is usually when you can find fantastic deals on things like clothes, cars, decor, and seasonal products. This is a historically slow period in retail and is generally one of the biggest sale-seasons of the year.
Carpet retailers also have their own busy and non-busy seasons. If you’re in the market for new flooring and want to save some money, then be sure to steer clear of the busy seasons. Retailers know when carpeting is in demand during specific time periods and finding a good sale during these times can prove difficult. Below are A One Carpet Cleaner’s experienced and professional thoughts on when the best time to buy new carpet is.
• Tax season, when people often use their tax refunds to make home improvements, like changing out their flooring and carpet.
• Mid to late summer is a common time for home improvements and remodels.
• The holiday season and the time leading up to any major holiday when there will be lots of foot traffic and homeowners expecting company.
• The holiday season from late November through the end of January is a great time to buy new carpet. This is because retailers are more willing to work for your business as this is during their slow period.
• May through June is usually a busy time of the year for families, but not necessarily for retailers. Watch for late spring sales and reduced-inventory pricing.
• September through October is when the kids are back in school, homeowners are back into a regular fall routine, and carpet retailers are offering a summer clearance while they prepare for their in-coming holiday inventory.
Carpet can be expensive and like any major purchase, should be chosen carefully. That being said, there are some other considerations you should keep in mind.
• Spring is when retailers usually debut the new brands, lines, and styles of carpet. If you’re a trendy shopper looking for the latest, wait until spring to buy.
• Remember that a little education can go a long way. Instead of purchasing the first deal you come across, or going to the big box chain stores in town because it’s convenient, do some shopping around first. What you don’t know, can save you big time.