Thanksgiving Tips for After-Dinner Cleanup

Thanksgiving Tips for After Dinner Cleanup

Thanksgiving is a delightful time with the whole family to make it worthwhile without worrying about unnecessary problems.

Prepare for a Quick and Easy Post-Dinner Cleanup

Hosts know this all too well– Thanksgiving dinner is fun and stressful at the same time. But don’t let Thanksgiving turn into a nightmare because of the tedious cleanup process that comes afterward. Cleaning is more natural when you know what to do before, during, and after dinner. Here are some tips for a quick and easy post-dinner cleanup.

1. Clean Pre-Thanksgiving

Clean up the clutter even before the big event so you will have space for the upcoming mess. Clear out an entire shelf in the refrigerator for your leftovers. Throw away any unwanted food in the pantry

2. Do Some Carpet Cleaning

A clean home always begins with carpet cleaning. Think about it, with all the guests who have been in and out of the home, your house is sure to have accumulated dirt. Here is a great resource that contains all the tips you need to keeping your carpet clean.

3. Opt for Disposable Dishes

The dream of putting out your most elegant china on Thanksgiving turns into a nightmare once your guests have left you with piles and mountains of dishes to wash. Be practical and use paper plates and plastic flatware instead that are easily disposable after eating.

image of family at the dinner table

4. Soak the Dishes Right Away

If dishes are unavoidable, prevent food from sticking to pots by soaking them in hot and soapy water as soon as possible after transferring them to the platter.

5. Layer Your Garbage Bags

Guests will surely throw away lots of plates and food scraps. So layering your garbage can with layers of trash bags will make disposal easier.

The Bottom Line

The Thanksgiving dinner with the family doesn’t have to leave you spending hours cleaning up the kitchen. This holiday can be extra special if everyone will help out not just by bringing dishes to share, but also by cleaning up the after-dinner clutter.

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